

South Africa:

The Gender Reconciliation programmes have already been able to help over thousands of people varying from prison institutions, to local communities, NGO’s and government workers. Long-term outcomes based on extensive evaluations have proven massive differences on several levels. Conclusions based on our theory of change are:

1. In their daily lives, participants actively transform the way they relate to other genders;

2. Participantspersonal, professional, and intimate relationships have greater authenticity, integrity and accountability;

3. Participants confront and address dysfunctional gender relations in their own lives, workplaces, and communities.

4. Participants contribute toward transforming underlying gender and sexual injustice and inequality in South and Southern Africa and other countries around the globe.

5. Participants relate to all people more equally and with compassion; and

6. Men are heard and seen too and therefore both genders are wiling to contribute together.

Click here for the Evaluation Report South Africa.

“Humanity will never be able to move fully forward into its next phase of evolution, toward a new civilization of love and harmony, without first reconciling gender imbalance at a far more profound level than has yet been achieved in any contemporary society.”


Victory for Equality was already able to reach more than four hundred young people in the Mwanza region in Tanzania.
The first small scale evaluation of the project pointed out that the people joining the project benefit from the project on different levels:

victory for equality Caro boy

  • Their self esteem increases
  • They feel more connected and feel more empathy for the opposite gender
  • They notice an increase in their ability to think critically about their belief systems on gender issues.
  • They feel they have a voice to be heard and to spread the message of gender equity and equality

In August 2014 a big evaluation research was carried out in Tanzania to further study the project’s results and it enabled us to keep on improving our project wherever we can.

Click here for the Evaluation Report Tanzania.